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June 14, 2014

The Ragbox, Chapter 4, Page 8

ragbox-4-08-lettered PANEL 1 Close in on Mr. Davis and Alice. Mr. Davis takes her by the arm.

ALICE Mr. Davis. I’m sorry. I didn’t know…

MR. DAVIS Miss Alice. Entirely my fault. I’m sorry. I…

PANEL 2 They both look away from each others eyes, not sure what to say, but not wanting to part. PANEL 3 Similar. Different angle. A tiny hand reaches up from below to grab at Mr. Davis’s pant leg.

ALICE You certainly look nice today.

MR. DAVIS Thank you. I try.

MR. DAVIS (CONT’D) And you… you too, of course.

PANEL 4 Mr. Davis and Alice look out at the yard. A black toddler, LUTHER, can be seen from a distance, entering from the side of the panel.

ALICE Gonna be a nice day, I think.



Posted in Comics, Ragbox
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