Seeking illustrator for 28-page comic

I’m currently seeking a work-for-hire artist to illustrate 28 pages of a new comic. Proposed rates are below. 

UPDATE: Found! We’re moving ahead on the book.

What’s the story?

This is a story about star-crossed lovers wrapped in an absurdist vision of our culturally divided America. 

There are elements of dystopia, sci-fi, and comedy that (hopefully) clothe the plot in some novel and engaging fashion, but at its heart: the reliable frame of a teenage love story.

We’ll poke both the far-right and the far-left with a sharp stick. Ideologues need not apply.

The story is tightly scripted, with detailed panel breakdowns. I’ve also done most of the panel layout for my own edification, which you’re free to take or leave.

I have a look in mind with several reference points, but it could probably boil down to a core concept of using foreground and background to push and pull the story forward. Much of the world here isn’t acted out or spoken about. Characters say one thing, and the background may corroborate, color, or subvert their dialogue. The strangeness, the otherworldliness, of the backdrop needs to be seen and felt by the reader.


In terms of character design and style, we’re in Vertigo-to-indie-to-slice of life territory. There’s nothing muscle-bound in this story. No dragons. No heaving bosoms. Manga and YA/cartoony are also not on the menu.

Page rates

Character design, roughs, pencils, inks
$75 / page

Character design, roughs, pencils, inks, + coloring
$100 / page

You’ll see two rates here, one for b/w and one for color. I have someone else that can handle color if need by, which is why I gave the option. I’ll handle lettering.


I’d like to have the finished pages by July 15, 2018 so I can begin lettering and packaging in time for the early fall.

You are…

  • Experienced comics artist with at least one prior work of significant length (24+ pages)
  • Willing to commit to a long-term project with realistic, manageable goals
  • Able to work collaboratively with a partner to bring a story to life

If this sounds like you, please send your name, contact, and a link to some sample work at dave @ and we’ll talk details.
